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All Boilerplates with "Admin" tag

Nuxt SaaS Boilerplate with ready-to-go components for Payments, Auth, Admin, Blog, SEO, Database, Mailing, Templating system(Landing pages, Dashboards) and everything you need to ship your SaaS in day...
Price: $99 - $499

BuildMVP is a feature-rich, fully customizable Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed to help you launch your MVP in just one day. Packed with essential tools like Prisma, Shadcn/UI, Stripe integration, an...
Price: $99 - $159

Laravel SaaS Starter Kit with ready-to-go components for Payments, Auth, Admin, Blog, SEO and more...
Price: $99 - $899

A Node.js SaaS Boilerplate to launch your SaaS faster, reduce development costs and help you earn your 1st revenue. Built with TypeScript and Next.js, styled with Tailwind CSS, hosted on AWS. MERN sta...
Price: $699 - $2099

The fastest way to build scalable and production-ready SaaS products. It includes Authentication, Payment, Teams, Dashboard, Landing Page, Emails. Save you months of development time so you can focus ...
Price: $699 - $2099

The Python SaaS Boilerplate gives you a complete foundation with essential features like authentication, payments, and email flows. Built on Django and Tailwind CSS, it lets you skip tedious setup and...
Price: $249 - $349

The ultimate SaaS starter kit for Next.js and Nuxt including everything you need to ship your SaaS in days!